AGM 2021 by Zoom

2020 Award winners
2021 AGM
The 2021 MOA AGM will be held on Sunday 28th February commencing at 11.00am GMT.
As announced in the Summer 2020 edition of Compass, due to the Covid 19 restrictions there will not be an ‘in person’ AGM held in 2021. Instead we have agreed a process for a virtual AGM using Zoom video conferencing. Sadly, this also means that there will be no social activities on this occasion.
The format will be different, but the content will be very similar to our previous AGMs. Presentations by Officers will be made using Power Point and voting will be done electronically; as usual those who cannot attend can vote by proxy. I can confirm that the virtual format also complies with our Constitution.
Zoom should enable the maximum number of members to participate and encourage our members who live overseas to join in.
Members should be assured that, despite the meeting format, it is still the forum for your views to be heard.
Further information on the video conference attendance arrangements and how to participate can be found by clicking on the link below
Keep safe and well.
Kind regards
Colin Barber
MOA Commodore