East Coast Branch
Event Reports 2020
On Sunday 23rd February Maldon Little Ship club were very welcoming as usual, especially for those of our group that arrived in the middle of a downpour! The 26 of us occupied most of their bar and everyone got so deeply into conversations that we almost forgot we were there for a lunch. Having persuaded the talkers upstairs our members were then served an excellent meal. The chatter continued unabated although some people broke off for a short while to admire the superb views across the Blackwater in the now clear and sunny weather. After three hours we reluctantly abandoned the tables with a few hardy souls enjoying a brisk walk along the riverside.
Robin Harris , Branch Treasurer

Held on January 25th at The Bull, Great Totham, a Grade Two listed building, from which on a clear day the defunct Bradwell power station can be seen together with the entrance to the River Blackwater. In fact the word Totham is derived from the Saxon word for “lookout” or “vantage point” and from various points in the village the whole of the River Blackwater can been seen. This fact would have been of great use in 991 when the Vikings attacked Maldon. Unfortunately they defeated Earl Bryhtnoth* and his thegns* near Northy Island.
*Saxon spelling, throws Spell Check completely!

East Coast Secretary Roger and June
Pre-Lunch Nattering!
Appetising and Tasty Seabass

The invasion for the AGM was a far more peaceful affair, with forty members attending, most of whom came from Essex and Suffolk but with a fair contingency from Kent together with representatives from Northamptonshire and Grimsby.The assembled gathering were so busy nattering, it was extremely difficult to persuade them to take their seats for lunch. While enjoying tea and coffee the Secretary started the AGM proceedings promising to keep it as short as possible hopefully under 35 minutes! (The full minutes and accounts can be found on the Web Site.)

Mike delivering the Captain’s Report
New Branch Captain Alan speaking
Robin going through the accounts
Roger running the AGM
Mike Ballinger gave the Branch Captain’s report at the end of which he introduced Alan Giles who had volunteered to stand as Branch Captain. Ignoring the agenda, Alan was elected as Branch Captain for the next three years.The Treasurer, Robin Harris, presented his accounts which were accepted by those present and then Alan presented two Branch trophies.

Andrew and Diane Conway receiving The Paddington Cup
Inspecting the Trophy Winning Log
John and Chris Cooper receiving The Branch Trophy
The first was the Paddington Cup for Seamanship and went to Andrew and Diane Conway of Essex Skipper for their cruise (and first class log) to the Scilly Isles last season. The second, the Branch Trophy for Service to the Branch went to John & Chris Cooper for their support over the last two seasons in organising rallies and Laying-up Suppers.
Any Other Business followed where Alan then outlined the program for the coming season and requested help for some of the events together with asking for some volunteers to assist with the Web site and membership emails. There being no other business and no additional volunteers showing up, the existing committee were re-elected by the members present. The meeting ended at 15.35, slightly over the 35 minute target!
Roger Price, Branch Secretary