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AGM 2021
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Here is some text to go in this module This is Davids boat just before going out sailing – Brr!
Now lets see the weather
The following is Davids M346 technical pages

The data block above gives the key parameters of the M346

The Moody 346 was in production from 1997 until 1991, when it was succeeded by the M35. It was one of Moodys most popular models , some 500 were built
Engine types used in the M346

The most common engine used was the Thornycroft T80 This engine is based on the Mitshubishi K4D industrial diesel
The other engine that was used is the Thornycroft T90. This is a marinised version of the BMC 1.5 litre diesel engine
A few M346 were fitted with the Volvo 3 cylinder VP2003 engines