MOA Volunteer Positions
We’ve asked you to fill 3 volunteer positions this coming year. We are very grateful to the people who kindly threw their hat in the ring and we think we have now filled the Treasurer and Membership Registrar positions. There is now just the Compass Coordinator’s job to fill. If you think you may be able to help, please call the Commodore or Vice Commodore. Please help, it is lots of fun!
Compass Magazine & Membership Handbook Coordinator
The Compass Coordinator is an appointed position and shall normally be a member of the MOA. In recognition of the work involved in collecting and coordinating the content of the Compass magazine and the membership handbook, the appointee is awarded an annual honorarium of £900. This is taxable and the incumbent is responsible for declaring this to the inland revenue.
Compass is the prestigious magazine of the Moody Owners Association. It is in full colour and A4 format. Pagination varies, but is around 68-72 pages per issue. It is published three times a year; Spring, together with the membership handbook and membership card, after the National AGM, Summer, in time for the Southampton Boat Show and Winter, before Christmas and in time for the London International Boat Show. The publication is put together by a small production team, comprising the Designer/Publisher and the Advertising Manager, supported by The Commodore, The Vice Commodore and the Honorary Secretary. Close liaison is essential with the Advertisement Manager and MOA Website Editor to ensure consistency of MOA communications.
Roles of the Coordinator
Collation of Editorial Material
- Actively seek and collate new material from members, or other sources, .
- In association with the Commodore and Vice Commodore allocate features and technical articles for future issues to make an editorially balanced magazine.
- Check photographs supplied for correct size and resolution.
- Liaise with, and give deadlines to, Branch Captains, Chapter Captains and regular columnists (Commodore and Membership Registrar, Notes from Down Below) for submission of their inputs.
- Monitor new technical and other articles on the Website and Facebook with the view to seeking suitable articles for Compass.
- Liaise with the Membership Registrar to ensure the design team have the latest membership list for posting the magazine to members, and entries in the annual member’s handbook,
Page Plan
- In conjunction with the Compass production team, and in particular the Advertising Manager, ensure that the format of the magazine and content is in accordance with previously agreed guidelines and that proposed changes are agreed in advance.
- In conjunction with the designer, generate a page plan for the next issue.
- Coordinate material for the ‘Association Matters’ pages
- Arrange for the editing and proof reading of individual articles and liaise with the author should any changes be necessary (this is important for technical articles where a change may well affect the meaning of the subject). Editing and proof reading is undertaken by the production team and selected MOA members with the required expertise.
- Receive and edit classified advertisements in conjunction with the Advertising Manager
- Send draft material to the design house to a timetable to be agreed with the design house
- Receive pdf of pages from the designer for proof reading by the production team.
- Proof read hard copy proofs provided by the design house and submit any amendments, ensuring the style is consistent with that agreed with the EC
- In conjunction with the Advertising Manager check the advertisements are correct and correctly located in the magazine.
- Meet/liaise with design house, Advertising Manager and production team as required to review final layout and carry out final proof check.
- Request that the design house send the final agreed layout files, to the designated MOA printer.
- Request the production house to send pdf (single page version in high resolution) of latest issue to the MOA Website Editor for web publication.
PR Support
- Support the Commodore and Vice Commodore in the production of MOA press releases on any matters of interest to the Yachting Press.
- Support the Commodore and Vice Commodore with origination of articles which promote the Association for external publications.
Other Duties
Write Compass Coordinator’s report for the Executive Committee meetings (three times a year)
Attend Executive Committee meetings as required (expenses will be reimbursed).