Solent Branch
Bucklers Hard – 16th July 2016
Coordinators: Jennifer and David Shepperd
We were blessed with almost perfect weather for the weekend of the rally after a less than promising forecast earlier in the week.
Janet and Paul on Blaise were the first to arrive on the mid river pontoon Friday afternoon.
As we approached Buckler’s Hard we couldn’t fail to notice Blaise was flying not only the MOA Battle flag but also a Welsh flag along with appropriate bunting. They had heard a rumour that the afternoon tea planned for the following day would have a Welsh theme and decided to enter into the spirit!
We awoke to bright sunshine on Saturday morning and several crews set off either by dinghy or on foot to the village of Beaulieu.
By mid afternoon all the boats had arrived in time for a ‘Welsh Afternoon Tea’ on the pontoon. Tea consisted of: Welsh cakes, Bara brith, cup cakes and of course lots of tea. Thanks to Sue (White Whisper) and Angela (Solar Eclipse) for the extra teapots.
Later David, with Ian from White Whisper went ashore to get the large barbecues on the green started. It was perfect barbecue weather, warm and still.
After everyone had finished their meal those who chose to toasted ‘mega’ marshmallows on the embers. The only one who managed to eat one without getting into a sticky mess was Jody (see below) although she did get a little help!
From comments received everyone seemed to have had a good time, we certainly did and we would like to thank all those who attended and helped make this rally such fun.