Americas/Caribbean Chapter
Hello, Moody Owners!
First Annual West Coast Moody Owner Rendezvous at Fort Flagler Park, near Port Townsend, WA, USA
This will be an informal time together.
Neither Walt Drechsler nor I are the sort of creative party planners to come up with a great theme.
If someone is of the sort who wants to, we welcome your aid, but we think that it will be just great to get together an swap stories. I do propose some pork pies and Gin and Tonics on Saturday afternoon, so we will make things up as we go along.
Since we have some support from the MOA, I will grab some proper British food from the British Pantry in Redmond (they have some of the best meat pies outside the British Isles, though our members from Victoria may have other ideas (and if they want to act on that by provisioning from there, please let me know).

Fort Flagler has 256 feet of dock at (3) and seven mooring bouys at (1). There is also anchorage at (2) which is reputed to be good holding in sand and mud. Braesail (a M46) will arrive early and I will try to be as discourteous as possible and occupy as much of the dock as possible, as the bouys are limited to 45′ vessels, and I know that there is an M47 and M54 among us, for which I plan to leave the dock. (A state parks ranger informally told me that the 45′ limit is not heavily enforced in easy weather). There are also seven more mooring bouys at Mystery Bay park, 2 nm south in Kilisut Harbor. Additionally, Port Townsend Marina (and Port Townsend itself with hotels, etc) is about 2 nm across Port Townsend Bay.
I’ve arranged to have the picnic shelter in Fort Flagler Park for our use on Saturday, June 17.
Working Schedule
Friday, June 16
Informal arrival. Lorelette and I will bring Braesail to hog the dock. All of you are welcome on Braesail for an informal meet and greet. Pot luck snacks and libations
Saturday, June 17
Lunch: We will bring hot dogs, other sausages and buns along with some pop and such. Unfortunately, Braesail has a rail mount barbeque which probably won’t work in the picnic shelter. If someone has a barbeque that we can take to shelter, please let me know.
Happy Hour: We’ll provide makings for G&T and some proper British beer (but I think northwest Cider). Potluck snacks and additional libations welcome.
Supper: Pot luck
After Supper: Inaugural meeting of the West Coast North America chapter (or is it paragraph?) of the MOA. We will not be electing officers or anything official, but since Peter has offered financial support from the Americas chapter of the MOA, we should at least say we are having a meeting. It’s really just another spot for a get together!
There will be an inaugural plaque for each vessel represented, so please let me know you are coming–by land or sea, it doesn’t matter–and your vessel name. Those of you who will not be sailing in, please post to all of us if you’d like a berth on one of the boats and we’ll try to match you up. If you are sailing in and would like to host another Moody owner, please post your availability here.
Sunday, June 18
Breakfast: I don’t know how this will work, but we’ll give it a try. Bacon, sausage, broiled tomatoes, and pancackes on the dock.
Departure is whenever you feel like it. There’s a half-knot flood on Puget Sound that turns to a 1.5 kt ebb (max at about 1600) at noon. Braesail will be heading north, probably to the San Juans, but maybe to Bellingham, and it would be fun to have a north-bound Moody flotilla.
Let us know:
Walt Drechsler on Pellucidar will be taking care of the plaques. It would be great to confirm your attendance in the next week or two so that he’ll have lots of time to have them made up. I’ll need to know by June 3 to gather up most of the provisions as I’m going to be back east from 5-9 June and then lazily sailing up the next week. So please let us know that you are coming (or not). And remember, there are lots of possibilities for land-based participation should you not be able to sail in.
See you all soon,
Walt and Lorelette Knowles
Braesail, Moody 46
Everett, WA
We have now formed the new Chapter with Peter Robinson as Captain.
Do email him and disuss what you want the Chapter to do.