Meet the website team
The MOA websites are managed by a small team of volunteer web editors.
If you have any queries or suggestions about the websites, you can contact the website team at
Login problems?
If you are unable to log into the Info Exchange, your membership may have lapsed – please contact in the first instance..
For more information about MOA memberships, visit the Membership Information page.
To help with security, please include your MOA membership number in your emails – this can be found on communications sent out by the MOA.

David Longhurst
Website Team

Dan Withey
Website team

Matt Stibbs
Website team
About the MOA Websites
Two of the main assets of the Association are the Websites. These websites are interlinked so you can switch between them using the top of screen menu bars. The websites were originally developed by Neil Eccles, who remained the MOA website editor for many years and to whom we give our grateful thanks for the time he gave to these websites, developing them to the form they have today. Neil also served in a variety of MOA roles, including Commodore. After retiring from management of the websites, he took up the role of ‘webmaster Emeritus’. Sadly Neil passed away on 26 October 2023. Neil’s obituary can be found here (members only) – our main website
- Branch and National Events – up-to-the-minute information on the events run by the Association’s Branches and Chapters. In the sailing season this changes very frequently.
- General Information about the Association, latest news, who’s who, information about Compass magazine and links to useful information such as weather sites etc.
- Our shop where you can buy an MOA burgee or order branded sailing clothing.
- Links to suppliers and marinas offering discounts to MOA members
- You can update your own information, such as change of address or boat through the self-service membership portal on this website. – the Information Exchange
Here a whole world of experience from current and past Moody owners is available. You need your individual login to access this site, although the for sale section is publically viewable and other pages can be viewed by guest membership, which is free. For more details see our membership options by clicking here. The information exchange website has five main areas:
- Technical Library – articles and tips on jobs that members have done on their own boats. A huge resource just waiting for you to view and provide contributions if you so wish.
- Information Exchange – mainly a place to ask technical questions and contribute your experience for the benefit of others. This is the most used part of either website.
- There are also For Sale/ Wanted areas for boats as well as general boat related goods, and many Branch specific areas like ones for the Mediterranean or East Coast.
- Media library – this holds pictures of Moody models in their ‘as new’ condition, including layout plans
- Member information – including electronic version of the lists in this handbook.
We have a huge archive of previous questions and answers which you can search for answers to your queries. Branches have also set up their own forums on topics such as Port Information, Wifi Information and Local Suppliers. In our technical library we have a lot of information about most models, including original plans and drawings.
Each member has an MOA login, but if you need to be reminded of your username just email the Membership Registrar. You can change your password automatically online. Both websites have links to each other so you can easily swap between them.
We now have a website editing team comprising of 3 team members who monitor and develop the websites and can deal with any issues you have.
The team members are: David Longhurst, Matt Stibbs and Dan Withey.
If you have any problems, please contact us by email at