BNLD – Belgium, The Netherlands and Germany

Peter Boogaard of “Dame Blanche” writes

Welcome to the BNLD Chapter covering Belgium, The Netherlands and Germany.

I have loved sailing since a was a Boy Scout. I still have my original Neptune charter! My passion is with electronics and scientific software in laboratory and manufacturing processes. I have lived for some years in USA and during my time spent, I have explored and sailed west coast Bay area and the Grenadines. When I and my family returned to the Netherlands, sailors without a boat – the void was filled by spending more time sailing ‘Dame Blanche’, a classic Moody M33 – MK1, with the parents-in-law. I felt in love again and in 2015, took over ‘Dame Blanche’ from them, to keep the lady within the family.

Our home port is Bruinisse which is located at the Grevelingen in Zeeland. The now ‘elderly lady’ needed TLC; I found the forums on the Moody Owners website very useful and I signed up for membership right away and attended the annual meetings. During my second AGM (Annual General Meeting) in Dundee, Colin and I were brainstorming, how we could team up. This resulted in creating a new chapter focussing on the Belgium, Netherlands coastal areas including the Zeeland, IJsselmeer and Waddenzee area. In addition, the local Dutch sailors, many ships from Belgium, Germany and UK are enjoying this beautiful area. The reason why I have called the chapter BNLD.

If you have ideas or want to share experiences, I would be delighted if you could share that for the BNLD chapter. You may also contact me for questions by email ( or phone. I speak German, Dutch or English, so please use what is convenient for you!

I am looking forward making the BNLD chapter an active and cooperative initiative.

Peter Boogaard – Captain BNLD Chapter


Planned BNLD activities






Meet & Greet




Moody Owners Association AGM Weekend UK 2025 edition will follow shortly

I will attend the 2025 AGM. Please drop me a message when other BNLD members will attend, so we can discuss and share experiences and activities for the Benelux region. Email – 

I was pleased to receive an Award during the 2024 edition of the AGM in Belfast.


The Fixed Mast  Route


It is about 114kms long and contains three sets of locks, and forty moveable bridges. Where possible, you should navigate the Staande Mast Route in convoy. At a speed of 9kms per hour, it will take a total of 24hrs to sail the entire route. The maximum draught is 2.5mtrs on some sections of the route.

There is more detail and a small chart in my column for Compass 107 here

The video is below