Solent Branch

Latest Information

The Branch Committee has made plans for the following Events in 2024.

Solent Events Calendar

Event Coordinators are needed for most of these Rallies in 2024,  all event booking has been organised by the Solent Events Secrerary but Coordinators are needed on the day for each rally,  anyone prepared to become an event coordinator should email to find out what is required or contact any other Solent Commitee Member.

Circumstances at the time will dictate if events are able to proceed or will need to be cancelled.

Beaulieu Rally - Saturday 3rd August 2024. **FULLY BOOKED **

We have 15 berths booked at Bucklers Hard for the Beaulieu Rally on Saturday 3rd August for one night only. For those who would like to extend their stay, please book directly with the Harbour Master. Once details of those members attending have been gathered, they will be forwarded to the Harbour Master, who will invoice skippers individually.  If paid one week or more in advance they are offering a 10% discount.  

A drinks party on the pontoon or event space will be followed by a barbecue in the evening and there will also be a pop up bar and food truck available.

The rally will be co-ordinated by Heather Raysbrook.

To secure a place for the rally please complete the BOOKING FORM and sent it to As there are limited berths available, spaces will be allocated on receipt of the booking form.

Cowes Rally - Saturday 24th to Monday 26th August, 2024

We have 15 berths book at Shepards Marina for the Cowes Rally over the August Bank Holiday weekend. The booking starts from Friday 23rd for those who would like to arrive early. The rally will be co-ordinated by Andy and Karen Billowes.

The Island Sailing Club has been booked for dinner on the evening of Saturday 24th August.

Sunday lunchtime we plan to go up to Northwood Park for a picnic (bring your own food and drink). We also take a couple of croquet sets with us and spend the afternoon playing games of Golf Croquet that can be as friendly or as competitive as you like.

This is followed early evening with a Pontoon Party (food and drink provided). We like to have some fun so this year’s fancy dress theme is Garish Shirt, the most awful garish shirt/blouse to can find. Must be something at the back of your wardrobe that hasn’t see the light of day for some time.

The rally will also include the DIXON 7 timed passage. The course can be sailed in either direction, en-route to Cowes or when sailing home.

To secure a place for the rally please complete the BOOKING FORM and sent it to . As there are limited berths available at Shepards Marina spaces will be allocated on receipt of the booking form. 

We shall look forwards to seeing you at Cowes.

Andy and Karen

East Cowes Rally - 14th - 15th September 2024 (1 night)

Please join us at East Cowes Marina where we will be showcasing Isle of Wight Produce.

We plan to start things off with a pontoon party on the Saturday evening with Island brewed beer and Island inspired cocktails along with canapes made with locally sourced ingredients.

After this we have the Isle of Wight Bacon Company suppling locally reared Hog Roast (vegetarian and gluten free option available) with local IoW tomatoes and salads accompanied by rolls and roast potatoes. Chocolate Brownies and fruit is available for dessert. Please provide your own drinks and glasses for the Hog Roast.

On Sunday morning we will be offering IoW Bacon Baps for those who would like one prior to their return sail (vegetarian option will be available).

All this for £25 per head

We have 15 berths available to book directly with the marina at 10% discount. 01983 293983

Please book early as we need to supply numbers for the Hog Roast no later than 4th Sept.

We are really looking forward to seeing as many of you as possible and enjoying some of the produce the Island has to offer. Full timings will be provided later.

HW Portsmouth 09.26 Saturday
HW Portsmouth 09.19 Sunday

To book your place, please complete the BOOKING FORM and email back to Jon & Lesley

Lesley and Jon Bell

Solent Branch members can be found in most harbours and marinas along the South Coast between Poole and Dover and the Solent Branch Committee works hard to deliver events across the year to provide opportunities for us all to meet up.
Solent Members Forum
The Solent Members Forum is the place to visit to view “Event Sign Up Lists” and any other information your Branch Committee chooses not to make available to the “world at large”.



You can view the Solent Members Forum via the Forum Dropdown menu or by clicking the link in the box immediately below the Latest information area on the Solent Homepage.  If you access the Solent Members Forum via the Information Exchange you may find you have the discussion tab highlighted – if so click the overview tab to view the full version of the information.  You need to be logged on to the website to view the Solent Members Forum in the same way as you need to be logged on to access the Technical Library or to view entries on the Info Exchange.  If you have forgotten your password or username please visit the Members tab on the Main Menu where you will find help.

We issue periodic email updates and a copy of each email can be viewed in the Solent Members Forum.

Informal Meets

Sometimes Solent Branch members will suggest an “Informal Meet” – a simple gathering!

The idea is that people will simply turn up at a particular location and be responsible for making their own anchoring or berthing and dining arrangements.  The whole idea is based on informality and spontaneity.

If you spot an opportunity to propose an Informal Meet, why not take a chance and send a message via the Solent Branch Discussion Board.  Alternatively, if you are already afloat you could try using your VHF radio or its DSC function to broiadcast a message.

The Solent Branch uses VHF Channel 77 and has adopted a group call sign of Compass. Our group DSC MMSI number is 023200031.

If you do enjoy a successful meet please send a short report with photos (if you have any) to our team of website updaters to help encourage other Branch members to participate.

The Dixon Series

For members attending Solent Branch events we do want to encourage participation in the Dixon Series. The intention of this email is to provide an overview for members who aren’t familiar with the series.  

The ‘Dixon Series’ is a set of time trials over a short ‘Planned Passage’ linked to Solent events throughout the sailing season, typically 7 or 8 depending on the number of rallies. Each planned passage has a defined starting gate and finishing gate (between two buoys), with a few passing marks between.

Who can take part? All MOA Solent members.

Do boats have to pre-register? No.

The passage can be undertaken en-route to or returning from the linked event. Each yacht can start their passage at any time (not a fleet start) by recording the time they pass through the starting irgate and then again as they pass through finishing gate, then calculating the ‘elapsed time’. These timings then need to be sent by email to our Race Officer at within 2 weeks of the event. Include name of skipper, yacht name and model. Also confirm use of white sails only or additionally coloured sails.

Does each boat have to take part in every Planned Passage?No, yachts may take part in as many, or as few of the Planned Passages as they wish throughout the season. 

There is an award made to the yacht for the best time (corrected on handicap) for each Planned Passage. Points are awarded according to place achieved for each passage and at the end of the season these points are totalled up and the yacht achieving the best overall score is awarded the ‘Dixon Trophy’, 

Traditionally the prize-giving for the Dixon Series is part of our Laying-up Supper. 

More information and the full rules can be found by clicking HERE