Paying the MOA

Quick Links

Update membership (via membership secretary).   This is the preferred method for updating your details, changes made using this method will change your details in the membership system and the information exchange forums.  The membership secretary will update your details in the membership system. If you have recently changed your email address, use this option so it can be changed as  the membership secretary can change your registered email addresses in the membership system which is used for logon to the self service system

Self service portal – here you can pay outstanding invoices and change some, but not all membership details yourself. Changes you make in the membership system are not automatially reflected in the infomration exchange forums.  If you have not used the self service system before,  use your registered email address as your username and follow the instructions to set up a password.  Note that this  can be different from the password used to access the information exchange.

Purchase and pay for a Burgee. Also use this link for other items that may be in the MOA store

Purchase MOA branded clothing

This is managed by a commercial supplier, IDM limited on behalf of the MOA

The MOA is a multinational organisation so paying the MOA for membership or services can vary depending on country of the paying bank  

All membership fees are due in January each year as the membership ‘year’ runs from 1st January to 31st December

Paying for membership (Members with UK bank accounts )

For members with UK bank accounts, membership subscriptions should be done by direct debit. Members will be advised if the payment amount changes before payment is requested.

If you cannot pay by direct debit, please contact the membership secretary for alternate payment methods.

If you have been paying by a fixed standing order you will be invited to change to direct debit – before payment is due the membership secretary will send you a  web link to the  on line form you need to complete to set the direct debit up.  You will also need to cancel your standing order with your bank.

Paying for membership ( Members using non UK bank accounts).

Since most overseas banks will not permit direct debit to a UK account (check with your bank to see whether this is possible), the preferred method of payment is by debit/credit card. This can be done via the MOA self service membership ‘portal’

Partial or non payment of membership subscriptions

If you continue to pay by standing order and have not changed that to the current membership subscription amount you will end up with a deficit on your account in our membership system.   The membership secretary will write to you reminding you of the underpayment and the amount owed.  This can be paid by setting up a direct debit mandate to cover the shortfall and subscriptions in future years.   Alternatively, if that is not possible, payment can be made by debit or credit card using the ‘self service’ portal. If after three repeated requests from the membership secretary for the underpayment to be corrected, you will remain a member but your access to the members area of the MOA website/information exchange will be terminated.

If we do not receive any payment, after two reminders, membership will be terminated.

Paying for attendance at events.

Each of the MOA branches/chapters have their own bank account.  When paying for attendance at an event (for example for meals, berthing fees etc) please follow the details provided by the branch/chapter treasurer.   For some events (such as the MOA AGM)  it is possible to pay via the MOA ‘shop’ by debit/credit card.

Paying for MOA merchandising

If you wish to purchase a MOA burgee you can do so by credit/debit card  via the MOA on line shop.   Note that other items, such as branded clothing, can be purchased via  a link from the MOA web page. However this operated by an independent retailer which is a separate business from the MOA but has agreed to sell MOA branded items