The MOA 2023 AGM
Held at Crowne Plaza Hotel, Plymouth, Sunday Febuary 26 2023
Headline report
Elected Officers:
Commodore – Roger Coppock **
Vice Commodore – Paul Woodward **
Hon Secretary – Chris Allcock*
Treasurer – John Oldham
Membership Secretary – Howard Weeks
Key points: Membership remains steady with a small increase over last year – total membership 2200. A combination of pandemic and high inflation means that our costs have risen and income from advertising fallen. To keep costs in check it has been decided by the General Committee to reduce Compass to two editions per year and the membership handbook will only be published electronically. It was agreed that the annual membership subscription would be increased in 2024 to £25
* Chris has served 4 years as Secretary, technically the post is vacant but Chris has agreed to continue until a new secretary can be found
** The Commodore & Vice-Commodore were not elected in this AGM; they stand for 2 years and are due for election in 2024.
Volunteers needed
Over the coming year we will need volunteers to take over the following roles, either immediately where there is a vacancy, or by the next AGM when a number of the current officers stand down. If you are interested, please contact the Commodore.
* Secretary * Advertising Manager * AGM Administrator * Boat Shows Coordinator * Membership Assistant
AGM 2024
It is planned to hold next years AGM in Northern Ireland, hosted by the Ireland chapter
Photographic award winners.

Our guest speaker for the AGM dinner was Barry Pickthall, formerly the Times yachting correspondant and now heavility involved in the current Golden Globe race. With his journalistic eye Barry was able to give us unique insights into the organisation of the race and the personalities of the contestants.

Part of the weeked attractions were visits to the Mayflower museum, pictured above, the Aquarium (which is world class and soon to be featured in a TV documentary ), the Plymouth Gin distillery and the Box museum which takes you through the history of Plymouth

Winner of ‘at Anchor’ shield
‘Myla’ in Governor’s Harbour,
Winner of most creative picture.
‘Wings on Waves’
Winner Icom Photographic competition
‘Cassiopia’ at anchor in Petalioli Lagoon, Greece.
A copy of the slides used during the AGM and the prizegiving can be found by clicking on the left hand button below. Note that this is for members only. To see the list of 2022 prizewinners, click on the right hand button below. Or click here if you would like to see the prize winners presentation