The MOA 2024 AGM
Held at Europa Hotel, Belfast, Sunday Febuary 11 2024
Headline report
Elected Officers:
Commodore – Paul Woodward*
Vice Commodore – Neil O’Connor*
Hon Secretary – Frank LLoyd-Murray (1st year)
Treasurer – John Oldham (3rd year)
Membership Secretary – Howard Weeks (2nd year)
Key points: Membership remains steady – total membership 2291. After the changes agreed last year to reduce the number of Compass editions to 2 per year and only publish the handbook electronically, a small surplus in income is now projected. Consequently it was proposed and agreed that that the membership subscription would remain at £25 per year.
* The Commodore and Vice Commodore are elected for two years.
Volunteers needed
Over the coming year we will need volunteers to take over the following roles, either immediately where there is a vacancy, or by the next AGM when a number of the current officers stand down. If you are interested, please contact the Commodore.
* Advertising Manager * AGM Administrator *
AGM 2025
Venue to be decided shortly.
Photographic award winners.

Our guest speaker for the AGM dinner was Mark Doherty, who gave a presentation on the tall ships of Belfast. Whilst the Harland and Wolff shipyard is best know for the Titanic , perhaps less well known is that Harland and Wolff built many ‘tall ships’, even into the age of steam. A number of these ships were called ‘partner ships’ as they were named after the business partners who founded the Harland and Wolff yard. Mark was able to give a fascinating insight into these ships

Part of the weekend attractions were visits to HMS Caroline, the only surviving ship which fought at the first world war Naval battle of Jutland. We also visited the Titanic Museum and the Nomadic, a ship built at the same time as the Titanic to serve as its tender at Cherbourg. Now restored to its original condition it gives a good idea of the opulance of the Titanic.

Winner of ‘at Anchor’ shield
‘Cassiopeia at anchor
Winner of most creative picture.
‘Menai Strait’
Winner Icom Photographic competition
‘Barbarick at anchor in Sandaig bay, Sound of Sleat
A copy of the slides used during the AGM and the prizegiving can be found by clicking on the left hand button below. Note that this is for members only. To see the list of 2022 prizewinners, click on the right hand button below. Or click here if you would like to see the prize winners presentation

The 2024 AGM in Belfast was very well attended – see picture left. It is our tradition to rotate the AGM around the MOA branches, the location for next years AGM is still being nogotiated, but we hope to be able to announce it soon.
The picture below is the band masters violin recovered from the sea after the Titanic sank. The band played on the deck as the Titaninc sank to calm the passengers.