East Coast Branch

Tue 18th - Thu 20th June 2024

Bradwell and Heybridge Rally

Event Details

This is a three day mid-week rally held at Heybridge Basin located towards the head of the River Blackwater and the beginning of the Chelmer Navigation Canal. There are a number of peaceful walks in the area and for those more energetic a walk into Maldon is possible.

We arrive on Tuesday 18th June and it is hoped to have a meal in the Jolly Sailor inn but unfortunately it will have to be a late afternoon one as the chef finishes work about 17.00.

The Rally proper will be a BBQ by the Basin in the afternoon/evening of Wednesday, 19th. June. For those wishing to come by car there is a pay and display car park fairly near. There are BBQ’s available but its advisable to bring your own or a disposable one as the cleanliness of the grills are sometimes questionable. Wine etc. will be on hand but catering is up to individuals.

As the lock-in time to Heybridge Basin will be around 11 am (Time to be confirmed by the Lock keeper nearer the date as it depends on the amount of water in the canal and the height of the tide on the day) it will be necessary for boats from further afield i.e. the Orwell to over night at Bradwell Marina, or of course anchor en route. The Marina will be expecting you and hopefully I will be able to advise you of available berths. It is proposed to start a WhatsApp group for those attending to be able to keep in touch.

Navigation Advice

Preparing for the event


Roger Price
East Coast Secretary



West Mersea HW (BST)


1010, 2228
1104, 2320

Osea Island HW (BST)


1036, 2254
1129, 2345
Departure from Heybridge Basin
An aerial view of Vlissingen Harbour and the entrance to the inland waterways.