The Port Haliguen Project
Cutaway visited PH on 31st Aug 2019
The piling and pontoon work is now largely finished and the port looks very different from the visitors point of view. The old visitors alongside on the NE side of PHII has gone, the waterfront has been remodelled, the wave breaks have been extended to reduce swell in the port and the Vieux Bassin is now protected by a cill together with a new visitors basin “Basin du Mane”.
The new visitor procedure is to radio them up on Ch09 and ask for a berth. They are very helpful and will put you in a finger pontoon (“catway”) if they can, but when they are full, or for a rally, or if you arrive when there is nobody there you can use the new visitors basin provided there is enough water.

Access Times for the Basin du Mane
This allows yachts to cross via an automatic gate flap much like Piriac. There is a large display of the rise of tide above CD (not the depth across the cill)
On any one
The flap opens when there is a rise of tide above CD of 3.0m leaving the hard cill at