Solent Branch
Fitting Out Supper – 28th February 2015
Coordinator: Sheena Boyce, Solent Branch Secretary
A record fifty seven members of Solent Branch gathered in The Boat House Café at Chichester Marina for an enjoyable evening of socialising and dining. The meal was excellent and the welcome and service from the Boat House team was as good as the quality of the meal.
The evening provided us all with a chance to catch up with fellow branch members, and to welcome the owners of nine boats to their first event of our friendly branch.
With spring just around the corner the evening also provided a good opportunity to look ahead, and, helped by copies of the 2015 events calendar, to start entering some of this year’s events into our diaries.
As Sunday 1st March would be St. David’s day we awarded “small prizes” for the most imaginatively designed “buttonholes and corsages”.
Thank you to everyone who came along to join us – we look forward to seeing you all again later in the season.