East Coast Branch
Event Reports 2025
Lunch and Annual General Meeting (AGM) – Saturday 25th January 2025
Thirty members gathered at The Blue Anchor, Feering, for lunch followed by the AGM. It was great to see some new faces at this years AGM lunch. This is a new venue for the AGM and judging by feedback at the time a good choice after last years disappointment. The Blue Anchor is just off the A12 so is easily accessed from both the south and north, so hopefully will be held there again in the future.
The meeting proper was the usual short event, just over in about thirty minutes, with a reports from the Branch Captain and the Treasurer. The Branch Secretary, again bemoaned the fact that we were unable to present all the trophies on offer because of the lack of response from the members although the Service to the Branch trophy was presented to Colin Shead for his work as Webmaster.
Roger Price, East Coast Branch Secretary
The full minutes for the 2025 East Coast AGM can be viewed here: East Coast 2025 AGM Minutes.
Noggin and Natter – Sunday 23rd February 2025
Some twenty members were able to come along to our Noggin and Natter at Medway Yacht Club on a rather cold and dull Sunday. As with earlier years, we all enjoyed a lovely carvery lunch, some even managing a starter and dessert. Many thanks to the staff whose friendly and efficient manner made the event all the more enjoyable.
Much of the chatter revolved around plans for the summer so let’s hope for some sunshine and fair winds to encourage members to attend a sailing rally or two this year.