Welcome to the MOA
We are a friendly bunch – come along to one of the events listed by our branches above, use the Info Forums for your technical queries or to sell your boat and equipment
Latest News
2025 will be the 40th anniversary of the founding of the MOA. A number of events are being planned throughout the year to mark the occasion. These will be posted on this site when details are finalised.
– The MOA 2025 AGM will take place in Portsmouth at the Royal Maritime Hotel from 28th to 30th March. Details of the AGM and can be found by clicking here: AGM 2025
– Not able to attend the AGM? Go to the AGM web page where you can register your apologies and also submit a proxy vote for the elections and propositions. Note that proxy voting closes on 26 March
– The Winter 2024 edition of Compass is now available for download to members
– MOA Burgees are now available to purchase again – you can buy one via the MOA shop
Please Help Run the Association
It is lots of fun running the Association. We need volunteers to fill roles and support the General Committee.
If you would like to find out more, please email the Commodore
If you have a specialist skill, for example public relations, why not offer us a little of your expertise?
It is lots of fun and you make friends.

Paul Woodward writes
Commodore's Message
Following our successful AGM weekend in Belfast, I have very recently taken on the role of MOA Commodore. Huge thanks to my immediate predecessor Roger Coppock for his leadership over the past two years. I look forward to meeting as many of you as possible during my period at the helm of our association.
As our Membership Registrar reported at the AGM, the Association is in great shape with over 2,200 members across the globe. There are, though, still other Moody owners who are not members. So please check your online Membership Handbook when you are out and see another yacht. If it is not listed, have a chat with the crew and see if you can recruit them. At worst you may have a good discussion or make a new sailing acquaintance.
The Handbook, it is now available (members only) online at
We had an excellent AGM in Belfast in February. My thanks to our colleagues in the Ireland Chapter for agreeing to host an interesting and very enjoyable event in a great location. I would like to welcome Frank Lloyd-Murray onto the Executive Committee as our new Honorary Secretary.
You will have noticed that your renewal notice for both last year and this year asked you to use direct debit in future for making your subscription payments. This method saves us considerable time and money in collecting subscriptions, particularly if they are increased, as they have been this year. While we recognise that this is not possible for our overseas members, we now ask all UK members to pay by direct debit and cancel their existing standing orders. New UK members will only be able pay by this method.
Neil Eccles, our long time Website Editor sadly passed away in October last year. We decided to retire the Website Editor role and instead created a website team consisting of David Longhurst, Matt Stibbs and Dan Withey. I am enormously grateful for all the work they put in to managing and maintaining the site which is absolutely at the heart of the value the association provides to a very large number of our members.
Our previous Hon. Secretary, Chris Allcock, retired last year after 4 years in the role. I would like to wish both Chris and Roger Coppock the very best for the future and thank them for the unstinting work they have done to support the MOA over many years.
Without members like this, the MOA would be unable to function. We still need an Advertising Manager to help minimise the cost of subsidising production and distribution of our outstanding magazine, Compass.
Compass is a superb publication envied by other yachting associations. To keep it like this Ruth, our Editor, needs copy. I know it can be daunting to write something for publication, but the editorial team can help, but only if they have something to work with. You all have experiences on your Moodys, good, bad, exciting, frightening, enlightening. Share them with the rest of us so we can learn, marvel and enjoy what you have done.
Paul Woodward
MOA Group MMSI no 023200031
If you have installed a new VHF Radio, it will almost certainly have DSC facilities and you will have an MMSI number. You may wish to store our group MMSI above to call any fellow members in the area. The MOA was one of the first associations to register a group MMSI number.
Upcoming Events for 2025
Note: not all branch events are shown here.
Please see the individual branch pages for the details of all branch events.
Date | Branch | Event |
28 March - 30 March | MOA | MOA National AGM @ Portsmouth |
Saturday 26th April | East Coast | Fitting Out Lunch @ TBC |
Fri 2nd - 4th May 2025 | Scotland | Opening muster and 40th anniversary celebration. Tarbert Harbour |
Fri 2 May - Sunday 4 May | Solent | Town Key Southampton |
Fri 23 May -26 May | Solent | Bucklers Hard - Beaulieu |
June 3rd – 5th 2025 | France Atlantique | Loctudy 25 |
Fri 13 June - Sunday 15 June | Solent | Marchwood |
Fri 27 June -Sunday 29 June | Solent | Poole Quay |
Fri 26 July - Sun 28 July | Solent | Hamble Dash |
Fri 8 August - Sunday 10 August | Solent | Bembridge |
15 August 2025 | France Atlantique | Arzal Fest Noz |
Fri 22 August-Monday 25 August | Solent | Lymington Dan Bran Pontoon |
Sat 26-Sun 27 Sept | Solent | Yarmouth |
Fri 17 Oct - Sun 19 Oct | Solent | East Cowes |
Sunday 26th October 2025 | East Coast | Laying Up Lunch @ Royal Corinthian Yacht Club |
Fly the Flag

MOA Clothing Store

Members Blogs
Blogs about their travels in a Moody yacht.
AGM 2025
The 2025 AGM and prizegiving will be held in Portsmouth March 30 2025
We hold a lot of information about Moody yachts, from electronic copies of original design drawings, handbooks and manuals for equipment to our extensive collection of photographs. Members can access this information and also ask questions in our forums to tap into the knowledge of over 2000 members. Whilst this is only available to members (see here for membership options) , non members can view the for sale/wanted forums.
Moody Picture Library
David Moody kindly gave the MOA the remaining publicity and layout photographs he kept from before the Moody Group was sold. We’ve put them in the Media Section of the Information Exchange for members. Click here to go there